Israel-Palestine conflict
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The UN vote in 1947 to partition Palestine is often considered the starting point because it led to the establishment of Israel and subsequent conflict with Arab nations.
The UN resolution called for the division of Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states
Explanation: The armistice agreement resulted in de facto borders that gave Israel more territory than it was initially awarded under the UN partition plan.
Arab countries invaded Israel after it declared independence in 1948, leading to increased conflict.
Nakba, or "catastrophe," refers to the expulsion and flight of Palestinians during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war.
Yasser Arafat was a key figure in the formation of the PLO in 1964.
The First Intifada (uprising) in 1987 provided the context for the formation of Hamas.
The First Intifada was sparked by frustration with Israeli occupation, expansion of settlements, and discrimination against Palestinians.
The Oslo Accords led to the creation of the Palestinian National Authority for limited self-governance.
The failure of the Camp David negotiations in 2000 was a significant factor leading to the second intifada.
Unlike the First Intifada, the second intifada involved widespread use of suicide bombings by Palestinian groups.
Ariel Sharon initiated the disengagement plan in response to the ongoing conflict and violence.
The United Nations considers Gaza as still occupied due to Israeli control over airspace, territorial waters, and access.
Hamas won the elections, leading to political control and subsequent tensions with Fatah.
Hamas took control of Gaza through an armed takeover after tensions with Fatah escalated
Despite lip service to a two-state solution, there has been little progress under Netanyahu's leadership.
Human rights groups argue that Israel's actions have led to a form of apartheid in the occupied territories.
The recent conflict has escalated, causing concern and moving the situation into uncharted territory.
The failure of the Camp David negotiations contributed to the outbreak of the second intifada.
Netanyahu's government includes parties advocating annexation, indicating a reluctance towards a two-state solution.
This quiz aims to test your knowledge about the ongoing violence in Gaza, raise awareness about t...