A quiz that builds awareness around stroke.
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No! That is unfortunately incorrect! The correct answer is a. Over 9,500 strokes are experienced each year – that’s one every 55 minutes. Stroke is New Zealand's second single biggest killer and the leading cause of serious adult disability.
Not quite right! The correct answer is b. Strokes can affect people at any age. 25–30% of strokes are experienced by people under the age of 65 years.
No! That is unfortunately incorrect! The correct answer is b. High blood pressure is a major risk factor for stroke. One in five New Zealanders experience high blood pressure. Recent research estimates a third of these people don’t know it as high blood pressure often has no symptoms. Reducing your blood pressure can greatly reduce stroke risk.
No! That is unfortunately incorrect! The correct answer is e. They are all common first symptoms of stroke. By recognising all the symptoms of stroke, you could save a life. The signs and symptoms of stroke usually come on suddenly. The type of symptoms experienced will depend on what area of the brain is affected. However, not all strokes are sudden and incapacitating. The sooner medical attention is received, the less damage a stroke will cause.
No! That is unfortunately incorrect! The correct answer is a. If any of the signs of stroke are recognised, don’t wait, call 111 straight away. Don't call your doctor or drive yourself – get help immediately. Ambulance staff want to hear from you if you recognise the F.A.S.T. signs (Face drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulty, Take action call 111) and tell them it's a stroke. You can learn more about what a stroke is here.
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